Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer
Sophia Girls' College
(Autonomous), Ajmer
Seat of Wisdom

Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)

You can Access OPAC into your student portal. Click to Login

After logging into the student portal, accessing the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) typically involves a few straightforward steps:

  • Navigation: Once logged in, students usually find a link or tab labeled "Library" or "Catalog" on the portal's homepage. Clicking on this link directs them to the OPAC interface.
  • Search: Within the OPAC interface, students can use various search options to find resources. They may search by title, author, subject, or keyword to locate books, journals, multimedia, and other materials available in the library's collection.
  • Logout: Once students have completed their search or tasks, they should log out of their accounts to maintain security and privacy.
  • Overall, the process for accessing the Online Public Access Catalog through the student login portal is user-friendly and efficient, empowering students to explore and utilize the library's resources effectively.

News / Quick Links


The Library is sanctum sanctorum in the temple of learning. It is the heart of teaching and research. In keeping with the vision and mission of the College, the Library has been established in 1959 “to promote knowledge generation and application through its effective dissemination”. It provides one of the important academic services to the College. It is a well equipped library, centrally located with easy access and provides the right impetus for the intellectual growth of the students, teachers, research scholars & others around. It acts as the primary Information Resource Centre and a repository of all printed and e-resources that support teaching, research and all other the academic activities of the College. All the faculty members, students and staff of the College are entitled to access the library facilities and services. The library is growing rapidly with exponential increase in number and type of collection to serve the information needs of its users. The library, therefore, acts as the main learning resource centre of the College and provides services and facilities to meet the requirements and objectives of the College.


The Central Library envisions to provide seamless access to information to its users in a networked environment and to become a premier Learning Resource Centre with state-of-the-art library resources and services in Arts, Science, Commerce, Computer Science, Management and related areas.


The Central Library aims to provide access to high quality information resources in all its forms to the faculty, students and staff to support the teaching, learning,and research mission of the College. With a commitment to excellence in providing services, the Central Library offers information resources and innovative services to support the intellectual inquiry, research and lifelong learning needs of Sophia College community.


  1. To establish and maintain an effective relationship with the students, faculty, researchers and staff of the College to ensure an informed and integrated approach to the creation and delivery of information services.
  2. To select, collect, create, organize, preserve, manage and provide access to information sources in print, non-print and digital forms, regardless of physical location, to support scholarly pursuit, learning, teaching and research in the college.
  3. To facilitate and promote access to the fast growing and expanding collection of digital sources of primary and secondary information.
  4. To develop and provide quality collections/resources, user facilities to maintain an environment conducive to study and research.
  5. To manage the information resources effectively and actively promote the optimum usage.
  6. To serve as Learning Resource Centre for knowledge management development in the field of Arts, Science & Technology, Commerce, Computer Science, Management and related areas.

Library Committee

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Sr. Pearl Principal & Chairman
2 Dr. Satish Kumar Member Secretary
3 Mrs. Vilencia Patrick Member
4 HOD of all Departments Members

Library Collection

Sr.No Resources Total
1 Books 40500+
2 Print Journal (National & International) 59
3 E Journal & Databases (N-LIST) 6000+ titles
4 E-Books Through Publishers (N-LIST) 10,800+ Titles
Through E Library - E Books (N-LIST) 1,50,000+ Titles
Through NDLI (N-LIST) 6,00,000+ Titles
5 CD ROM Collection 300+
6 Magazines 25+
7 Newspapers 08

Library Sections

Library has the following sections for its proper functioning

  • Acquisition Section
  • Technical Section
  • Circulation Section
  • Periodical Section
  • Reference Section
  • Reprographic Section
  • Newspaper Corner

Library Hours

Working Hours : 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (On all Working Days)
Circulation Hours:9:00 AM to 2:30 PM

General Rules

  • College faculty, students, and staff are bona fide members and no other formality is required for membership.As soon as you get your ID Card, please visit the library to activate your membership.
  • Members must show their ID Card on entering the Library, while borrowing books and at any time if asked to do so by the Library Staff.Entry to the Library is not allowed without ID card.
  • All members are required to deposit their personal belonging at the property counter at their own risk. The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to the same. Taking a briefcase or bag inside the Library is strictly forbidden. Users should let the Security; check their personal belongings, like books, files, etc. before they leave the Library premises.
  • All library users must sign the In/Out Register available with the attendant at the main gate of the Library.
  • Silence must be observed in the Library. Keeping in mind that the Library is a place of individual study and research, members should maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the Library premises.
  • Use of mobile phones or any other audio/video device is strictly prohibited in the Library premises. No refreshments or foodstuff of any kind shall be consumed anywhere inside the Library.
  • Library resources such as books, journals, and electronic materials, etc. are costly and often rare. They are for the benefit of not only the present but also for the future members of the Library. Therefore, one should not write upon, damage, tear the pages or mark on any of the Library materials.
  • The members caught tearing pages/stealing of books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them.
  • Members leaving the Library should stop at the exit and are required to produce for inspection all books and documents taken out of the library.
  • Users are responsible for complying with Copyright Act while photocopying library documents.
  • Photocopy of theses and dissertations shall not be allowed.
  • Photography, filming, videotaping and audio taping in the Library is not allowed without the proper permission of the Authorities.
  • Personal Books/ Checked-out Books are not allowed for consultation/reference in the Library.
  • The Central Library reserves the right to recall any book from any Library member at any time.
  • College Authority may amend Library Rules and Regulations as and when necessary.

Library Services

Library Orientation

The Central Library offers an orientation program for the students in the beginning of every academic year. Through this program, an effort is made to familiarize every new member with the resources, services and facilities offered by the Central Library and its policies to use the same. The Central Library also designs and offers training / orientation programs to assist users to develop the ability to locate, identify, use and interpret the Electronic Resources and Information effectively. The Central Library would like to promote its role as a resource for lifelong learning, through this program.

Circulation Services

The Central Library has Open Access Automated Circulation System through Barcode Technology (Books Issue - Return System). Circulation Counter assists its library users with the location and circulation of library materials. Its functions include, issue and return of library materials,collection of fines and other charges, reshelving of library materials and maintaining order in the shelving areas. Circulation Services also assists its users with any general queries about the Library.

Reference Services

It provides the users with directional assistance in locating books and resources. Users may approach the Librarian for information or any assistance in the use of the Library Collections and Services, computerized services, searching of Web-based e-journals,e-books and their special information requirements.

Current Awareness Services (CAS)

In order to keep users abreast of the latest additions and activities, current awareness service is provided through Current Contents of Journals and New Arrivals.

Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)

It is a user oriented service which provides information and updates to the interested users on specific theme/area/topic as required.

E-Resources Lab / Digital Library

A separate E-Resources Lab has been established in the Library. The e-Resource Lab is exclusively used for online access of e-Journals, e-books and other e-Resources provided by the National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST consortium) of INFLIBNET Center, Gandhinagar.

Inter Library Loan (ILL) and Document Procurement Services

The Central Library provides document delivery service to the faculty members, students and research scholars to support them in their research and academic activities. Journal articles can also be procured from INFLIBNET centre through NLIST Consortium.

Book Bank Facility

The Central Library has a separate Book Bank Facility for students in need.

Reprographic Services

The Central Library provides a reprographic services to the users for Photocopying/Xerox of library materials with reasonable charges.

New Arrival Service

Every year new books and journals are purchased and subscribed to in the library. The Library will keep members informed about the new arrivals through the Library Website.

Web - OPAC

The Central Library has a fully computerized Catalogue Search facility available to the users through internet. The Online Public Access Catalogue allows the users access to the bibliograpic database of the books available in the Central Library. One can search Library books by Author, Title and Accession Number through OPAC.

Print Resources

The Central Library expands its collection with the objective of enriching the knowledge of the academic community of Sophia Girls' College through books, journals, thesis and dissertations etc.


The Central Library has a collection of more than 40,500+ books of various academic disciplines available for the Faculty and Students of the Sophia Girls' College. The Central Library also possesses a diverse collection of reference books.

Print Journals

The Central Library subscribes to 66 (Indian & International) Print Journals for the academic and research needs of the academic community of Sophia Girls' College . For details : Click here

Magazine & News Paper

Magazines Subscribed by the Central Library
S.No. Name of Magazine Frequency
Newspapers Subscribed by the Central Library
S.No. Name of Newspaper Frequency


The Central Library is a member of the N-LIST (National Library and Information Services) Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST consortium) of INFLIBET Center, Gandhinagar, Gujarat for accessing e-journals and e-books. The users can access the e-journals and e-books through the user ID and Password provided by the College.

American Institute of Physics - [18 titles]
Annual Reviews - [33 titles]
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)- [1 title]
Indian Journals - [180+ titles]
Institute of Physics - [46 titles]
JSTOR - [2500+ titles]
Oxford University Press - [262 titles]
Royal Society of Chemistry - [29 titles]
H. W. Wilson - [3000+ titles]
Cambridge University Press - [224 titles] - (2010-2016)
Cambridge Books Online - [1800 titles]
E-brary - [150000+ titles]
EBSCoHost-Net Library - [936 titles]
Hindustan Book Agency - [65+ titles]
Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books - [382+ titles]
Oxford Scholarship - [1402+ titles]
Springer eBooks - [2300 titles]
Sage Publication eBooks - [1000 titles]
Taylor Francis eBooks - [1800 titles]
Myilibrary-McGraw Hill - [1124 titles]
South Asia Archive - [through NDL]
World e-Books Library - [Now available through NDLI only]

Open Access Resources


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S.No. Resource Name Frequency


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Digital Libraries

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Open Course Ware

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1 How do I become a member of the Library? The faculty, students, and staff of Sophia Girls' College are bona-fide members and no other formality is required. As soon as you get your ID Card, please visit the library once to activate your membership.
2 How do I borrow books? Go to the library, pick up the books you'd like to borrow, carry these books to the Circulation Counter. Show your ID Card. The library staff will assist you in getting these books issued to you.
3 What are the issue/return (of books) timings of the Library? 9.00 AM to 2.30 PM on all working days.
4 How many books can I borrow? Faculty can borrow up to 10 books, UG Students up to 02 books and PG Students can borrow up to 03 books.
5 Is there a fine for late return (Over-due) of books? Yes, a member is required to pay late fee / overdue fine of Rs.10.00 per day, per volume if he/she fails to return the books within prescribed period of time.
6 How / where do I pay Library dues? Library dues (late fees/cost of lost books etc) can be paid in cash at the Library Circulation counter.
7 How do I replace a lost book (What am I required to do for a lost book)? In case of loss/damage of books borrowed by a user; the borrower shall have to replace the book with its latest edition. If the replacement is not done within one month, the defaulter will be charged as follows:-
  • Two times the cost of the book, if the book is in print.
  • Three times the cost of the book, if the book is out of print.
  • If the book of a multi-volume set is lost, the member concerned shall have to replace the whole set or pay the cost of the same.
8 What types of documents are kept in the Reference Collection? References collection mainly contains encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, directories, atlases, CD /DVD and some rare collection books.
9 How do I distinguish reference / rare books from other library books? Reference books / Rare books are marked “Not to be issued” on due date slip of the book.
10 How do I borrow the reference books or periodicals? Reference books or periodicals (Journals / Magazine / Newspapers) are not to be issued items.
11 What shall I do if I do not find the book on the shelf? First contact the library staff responsible for shelving of books. If not satisfied, please contact staff at Circulation Counter or Librarian.
12 Can I bring personal books and other reading material to the Library? No, users are not allowed to bring their personal books, printed reading materials, issued books (except return purpose) or other reading materials to the library.
13 What is “Web-OPAC”? Web-OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalogue. This is a database of all books, reference books, etc. available in the library. It enables speedy searching of a particular book, books on a given subject, and/or a book by an author.
14 How do I search books in Web-OPAC? Go to Central library home page. There is a search box with caption “On Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)”. Open it with your user ID and password then enter a word or words from title or subject or author of a book you like to search. Press enter. It will list all books matching the words you input.
15 What is “Web-OPAC”? Web-OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalogue. This is a database of all books, reference books, etc. available in the library. It enables speedy searching of a particular book, books on a given subject, and/or a book by an author.
16 How do I know what E –Journals and E -Books are available / accessible to users? Go to library home page. Click E-Resources, the system will list all the E –Journals and E -Books available in the College.
17 Are E-RESOURCES accessible to all the users? No, E-Resources are accessible only to the students, faculty and staff of Sophia Girls’ College through their user ID and Password.
18 Whom should I contact if I do not get access to a particular E-Resource or want to learn more about E-Resources? Please contact the Librarian. He will provide you assistance / help in using the e-resource.
19 Can the Library borrow documents from other libraries? Yes, the Library can arrange copies of articles on inter-library loan from INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar through NLIST Consortium.

Ask Librarian